
How long does it take for wellbutrin to work
How long does it take for wellbutrin to work

how long does it take for wellbutrin to work

However, that could change if you are in a legal situation and you are a known abuser of the drug. Wellbutrin is not usually looked for by drug tests. (Note: If you have self-harm or suicidal thoughts, see your doctor immediately, call 911 or go to an emergency room.Although antidepressant drugs like Wellbutrin are not commonly abused, it is still possible to misuse them. If your symptoms return, don't worry - adjusting the dose or switching to another antidepressant often solves the problem. Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.Depression symptoms vary from person to person, but signs include: With many antidepressant medications, stopping their use too quickly can cause withdrawal effects such as:Įarly warning signs of breakthrough depression are the symptoms you typically experience when an episode of depression is coming on, says Nestadt. You may need a dosage increase or a slow tapering off process. But even if you feel like your antidepressant isn't working, it's important to keep taking it until your doctor advises otherwise. If your depression symptoms return for more than a few days, it's time to see your doctor. "I think it's less an issue of building up tolerance and more likely constantly changing stressors and factors in the brain." "There's no good research that shows why a medication may stop working for someone," says Nestadt. Most often, though, antidepressants stop working for what seems to be no reason. Interactions between antidepressants and medications for other health conditions can affect how well an antidepressant works. A new stressful situation at home or work can result in a mood response for which the antidepressant can't compensate. Talk to your doctor about taking antidepressants while pregnant, and about potentially adjusting your dosage to continue relieving symptoms. Your body's weight and blood volume increase when you're pregnant. Illicit drug use and alcohol can cause strong mood changes, which can make antidepressants ineffective. Multiple factors can change the way your body responds to an antidepressant, including: What causes depression medications to stop working?

How long does it take for wellbutrin to work